今天收到Google Apps team的邮件,大致意思是说,从2010年3月1日起,Google属下产品Google Docs suite 和 the Google Sites开始放弃对IE6以及更老版本浏览器的支持,IE系列支持需要7.0版本及以上.另外也涉及到其它浏览器的版本支持,包括Firefox 3.0及以上版本,谷歌浏览器4.0以上版本,和Safari 3.0及以上版本。


Dream本人的观点,的确,IE6越来越被放多的程序开发员所痛恨,就其对W3C标准的藐视及其糟糕的盒子概念,使得程序员不得不为了IE6专门写入更多的CSS HACK.不过就目前情况来看,IE6在市场还是占有相当大的一个份额,至少本站的一半用户以上用的还是IE6版本,想要彻底地消灭IE6估计还任重道远.由IE6时代诞生的各类WEB应用程序,比如网银/政府信息系统等目前还拥有广泛的用户群体,这部分群体的转换就是一个大难题.另外,还有一个重要的原因用户习惯,毕竟从IE6到其它版本的转换在用户习惯上都作了不少的改变.

也许,解铃还须系铃人,真正能Kill IE6的只有Mircrosoft自已.随着WIN7的普及以及Mircrosoft宣布放弃对WIN XP的更新服务支持,IE6的用户群体会慢慢地转向其它高级版本的浏览器…

附上Google Apps team的邮件的邮件内容

Dear Google Apps admin,​

In order to continue to improve our products and deliver more sophisticated features and performance, we are harnessing some of the latest improvements in web browser technology. This includes faster JavaScript processing and new standards like HTML5. As a result, over the course of 2010, we will be phasing out support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 ​as well as other older browsers that are not supported by their own manufacturers.

We plan to begin phasing out support of these older browsers on the Google Docs suite and the Google Sites editor on March 1, 2010. After that point, certain functionality within these applications may have higher latency and may not work correctly in these older browsers. Later in 2010, we will start to phase out support for these browsers for Google Mail and Google Calendar.

Google Apps will continue to support Internet Explorer 7.0 and above, Firefox 3.0 and above, Google Chrome 4.0 and above, and Safari 3.0 and above.

Starting this week, users on these older browsers will see a message in Google Docs and the Google Sites editor explaining this change and asking them to upgrade their browser. We will also alert you again closer to March 1 to remind you of this change.

In 2009, the Google Apps team delivered more than 100 improvements to enhance your product experience. We are aiming to beat that in 2010 and continue to deliver the best and most innovative collaboration products for businesses.

Thank you for your continued support!


The Google Apps team

Email preferences: You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Apps product or account.

Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

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